Archive | July, 2009

30 July 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Coastal Race Partners In South Korea

A few months back I got this message at my You Tube account… Hi! I am in South Korea currently. I teach third grade at an International Christian school here. I was looking up youtube videos for science class on hemophilia and ran across the one you just posted and learned about your upcoming quest […]

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29 July 2009 ~ 0 Comments

All About You?

While on my silent retreat in the mountains I read a list of resolves from The Soul of Fredrick W. Robertson, the Brighton Preacher by James R. Blackwood.It's in another book I have, A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants. This particular reading for reflection was exactly that.  A list of resolves.  This […]

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28 July 2009 ~ 0 Comments

#CoastalRace09 – iPhone Giveaway!

It’s less than a month before I leave for my ride. Just over 2 weeks til the money needs to be raised. Here’s where we’re at so far… Actually, I’m about $75.00 under that. Long story.  Just trust me on that one. So time to kick it into high gear. One of the goals is […]

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28 July 2009 ~ 1 Comment

#CoastalRace09 – iPhone Giveaway

Here’s the deal… On August 24th, 2009, a group of around 15 other riders and I will leave San Francisco on our bicycles to make the 670 mile journey to San Diego over the course of a week. It is a ride to benefit the CA chapters for Hemophilia. I am riding for my seven-year-old […]

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26 July 2009 ~ 2 Comments


3 or 4 years ago, in a class at Vanguard, one of my professors (I think it may have been Roger Heuser) talked about the value of taking a silent retreat.  A day or two or three to just get away and spend the entire time in complete silence, and hear from God.  If you […]

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22 July 2009 ~ 0 Comments


Feels like a busy week.  But in a real good way.Basically it's less about the next couple days, and more about having to prep ahead for multiple things next week. Sunday – heading to a hermitage in Big Sur to live the monk life for a day with God. (More on that soon) In-laws in […]

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17 July 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Being Missional As A Life Group


For the past couple of months, we’ve been talking as a Life Group about how we can be a positive, visible force in our community, outside the four walls of our living room.  We felt like this needed to look like something we could do on a consistent basis, rather than some sort of 1 […]

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17 July 2009 ~ 1 Comment

This Morning – Pray For Melissa And Dan

I wanna encourage you to take a few minutes to pray for and be challenged by Melissa and Dan. Meet Melissa. Melissa lives in Santa Cruz and works part-time at Elevation Church. Melissa has lupus and a failing kidney. Meet Dan. Dan also lives in Santa Cruz. Dan is a music teacher and plays drums […]

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15 July 2009 ~ 1 Comment

God Says Going Green = Eating Green

This past Sunday, and at Life Group last night, we talked about the environment.  We talked about taking care of the planet and resources that belong to God.  It’s not a political issue.  It’s something God honestly does care about. Then, last night, while in line for Harry Potter, my wife and Christal were handed […]

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08 July 2009 ~ 3 Comments

Morning Laughter With Micah & Caleb

Hanging out with the boys this morning I took some video.Caleb loves to tickle Micah.Micah has a great little laugh going on.Caleb just needs to work on not tagging Mich in the face.Check out the video. Now find a reason to go laugh a little today, too.Have a fun one!

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