Archive | Family

17 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments


Caleb’s prayer:  God, today was a bad day, but I guess it was a little good.  Thank you for the things that we have that other kids don’t have.  Please help all those kids and keep them safe. My prayer: God, thanks for glimpses of you at work in our kids. (Especially to keep us […]

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16 September 2012 ~ 2 Comments

Epic Fail At The Drive In

Been thinking I need to get to blogging again. Apparently it took a #fail at the drive in to get me to do it. It’s sort of a long post, but I don’t know how else to do it. Here’s my story and I’m sticking to it… On Friday, I thought to myself (around 3:30pm […]

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18 October 2011 ~ 0 Comments

Not Too Extreme Home Makeover

There used to be a time when Rachel would reference people to my blog or grab my pictures to post. She is now way more diligent on her posting so I’m having to flip that around. Oops. So if you don’t follow her and didn’t catch her post on the house (you can go there […]

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28 August 2011 ~ 5 Comments

Milestone – Year 1

It was a year ago today that I woke up to the phone call that my mom had passed away. It’s been a tough weekend. All in all, I haven’t necessarily thought about it much, but somehow I know the milestone is there and the emotions are just a little more raw. I don’t feel […]

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10 May 2011 ~ 0 Comments

The Monastery Of Parenting

Just read this as I was hanging out with Jesus this morning: Joy or sadness, war or peace, love or hate, purity of impurity, charity or greed, all are tremendous realities which are the hinges of our interior life.  Everyday things, relationships with other people, daily work, love of our family – all these may […]

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08 May 2011 ~ 6 Comments

Mother’s Day Dichotomy

My church planting coach was sharing with me last week that Mother’s Day is one of the most difficult Sundays of the year for him to juggle as a pastor.  At the same time that we rejoice in celebrating moms, there are so many other emotions that come with Mother’s Day. There are those who […]

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14 April 2011 ~ 7 Comments

Moving Party!!! …Again

That’s Rachel in the picture. She’s ready to do some serious lifting. One year ago, we lived on Rigg Street. 6 months ago, we lived on Bay Street. Right now, we live on Beach Street. Next week…we’ll live on Faye Drive! If you help us out this Sunday, we’ll try to give you a break […]

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18 March 2011 ~ 4 Comments


It’s amazing at times to look back and see how God can bring about something positive, even beautiful, out of the crummiest of circumstances. Beauty fron ashes…almost literally. As most of you know, the end of 2010 was pretty brutal for us here. My mom passes away in August. As a result, we inherited some […]

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07 February 2011 ~ 0 Comments

Transitional Housing

For those who haven’t been around our current pad, we moved into a temporary place in Dec. after the fire. It’s a 2br apt/vacation rental that is rented out monthly in the off season for students and people who had house fires. It worked out nicely since the rent is just a smidge more than […]

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02 December 2010 ~ 7 Comments

Dancin Machine

Rachel and I have been home without the kids for 4 days now.  And we have a week and a half left. I’d be lying if I said I’m not enjoying the freedom at times. Last night we went to the AIDS vigil together, and just decided to grab dinner after.  Then we could grab […]

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