Archive | Humor

16 September 2012 ~ 2 Comments

Epic Fail At The Drive In

Been thinking I need to get to blogging again. Apparently it took a #fail at the drive in to get me to do it. It’s sort of a long post, but I don’t know how else to do it. Here’s my story and I’m sticking to it… On Friday, I thought to myself (around 3:30pm […]

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15 December 2011 ~ 0 Comments

Improv – World’s Worst…

Every Thursday for the next couple months I’m teaching an Improv class for CYT. Basically I get to laugh, have fun, and play improv games with 25 13-18 year olds every week. This class serves as an audition for the Improvathon team, which I will most likely be coaching in the Spring.  Then we get […]

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30 March 2010 ~ 0 Comments

Facebook Passion

If Jesus had a Facebook page, what would it look like on the Holy Week leading up to Easter morning? You no longer have to wonder. That’s a screen shot. Click here to check out the whole thing. Pretty funny, and pretty accurate, too. You might even learn a thing or two reading it. Thanks […]

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22 December 2009 ~ 4 Comments

CLC Office Shennanigans

We have time for snowball fights…since we only work one day a week anyway. Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today! Merry Christmas.

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02 July 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Does @Jesus Follow You On Twitter?

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28 April 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Disney Repeats

I had a conversation earlier today with Ed and Brandon, as we were planning out our series for the year, about whether or not you can repeat a series, basically using the same points with a new spin. To a certain degree, my take is that people aren't gonna remember it for he most part.  […]

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11 March 2009 ~ 5 Comments

My Secret Thug Life

Saturday morning, my brother-in-law Joel was in Santa Cruz to take some pictures of the boys and of our families.  There will definitely be a post with some of those when I get them all, but he posted a few to start out on his blog.  Also check out his business website for him and […]

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20 November 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Life Aint So Bad

A little behind on blogs this week.  Saw this video this morning at Los' blog and MMI and I had to repost it.So true!  And I was laughing so loud!Everyone need to take 4 minutes and 12 seconds and check this out: What is the most ridiculous thing you've heard someone complain about recently?

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11 September 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Christ My Captain?

So, a lot of you probably saw this video here and/or here in the past couple days.  "A renewed mind is the key…"  Come on, sing along!  If you missed it go check it out.  Make sure you watch at 1:50 in when you get the dance break cross between John Travolta in Pulp Fiction […]

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16 June 2008 ~ 7 Comments

Coldplay Does Kids Music

One of the things I wasn't looking forward to before having kids was having to listen to kids music.  At a church I used to work at, my office had a door that was connected to a pre-school (not the church's).  I learned "I Am A Pizza" from that and it still tortures me to […]

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