Archive | July, 2008

31 July 2008 ~ 12 Comments



Alrighty. In reality, this post is probably geared more toward those of you who are involved in ministry at an administrative level of some sort, but maybe someone else will surprise me. I’m looking for some help.I’ve never used a database to operate.  However, as a church we own ACS and several modules that they […]

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29 July 2008 ~ 5 Comments

Triathlon/Ragamuffin Top Update

So I’m a bit overdue on this one, but I’ve been on vacation. So get over it. Last Saturday I checked off one of the first things from my bucket list (a small one really) since I made it as well as a goal (or kinda half of one) for the Ragamuffin Top challenge. I […]

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25 July 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Hotseat Post #3

My wife asked: If you had three wishes – and you could wish for absolutely ANYTHING (except for more wishes) what would you wish for?1. A crystal ball to know what the plan for the future is.  I know.  I probably don’t REALLY want to know, but it’s hard to convince me of that.2. The […]

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24 July 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Wedding and Surfing

This is Erika. She looked beautiful as she got ready to marry my brother-in-law, Joel. Go to his blog and congratulate him! They were married in a beautiful setting at the Ritz Carlton in Maui. Caleb was the ring bearer. He walked down the aisle great.  After that, not so great.  This next pic encapsulates […]

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24 July 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Sailing Away for Ryan’s Birthday

So this is like a month overdue, but well worth sharing. For Ryan‘s birthday, there were like 30 of us that all went out for a sail in Santa Cruz. Yeah, that’s how we can roll out here on the coast! The plan was to sail out and anchor near the pier. Then we had […]

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23 July 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Pictures From Tuesday

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23 July 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Hotseat Post #2

Y’all asked those questions a long time ago!My bad!Time to get on it.I’ll be aring over the next couple of weeks.So here we go with some more. Ryan asked: Who is your current favorite CLC Board Member?Sorry Ryan, gonna have to say Ed.  He is my boss, and he reads my blog.  And as the […]

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22 July 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Worship Confessional 34

This is actually from last week.Since I’m not leading this week, maybe I’ll film one from about this past Sunday to put up next Sunday.In the meantime, enjoy this one!It was a fun one!

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17 July 2008 ~ 1 Comment

CLC Web Presence

A while back we tried starting a CLC blog. Here was that attempt. It pretty much died a quick death. It’s time now to give it another go. Introducing the new CLC blog home. At least temporarily. Let me know what you think. We have about a week let to test it out and Typepad […]

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16 July 2008 ~ 6 Comments

My Bike

Well, I’m now 3 days away from my first triathlon. It’s a light one.  400 yd swim, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. Really, I figure it’s there to prepare me for PG. I had this old mountain bike that was inherited from Rachel’s little brother. I new that just wasn’t gonna cut it for […]

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