Archive | October, 2007

18 October 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Now Ed’s REALLY Blogging!

Our lead pastor at CLC, Ed Tyler, kinda started a blog a few months back.  But now, we got him all set up and he’s really got his own blog!  I’m looking forward to reading as he shares what’s going on in his life, spirit, and mind as he leads our community of faith. So […]

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17 October 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Future Teammates

From my sister‘s blog: That’s my boy!And appropriate pic.  Caleb dropping back as the QB while Ryan’s on the line protecting him.Oakland won’t stand a chance when these guys are on the team!

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17 October 2007 ~ 9 Comments

Are You A Pentecostal?

Filmed live at Christian Life Center…in Stockton: Thought it was over at 4:55, didn’t ya? I don’t think we’ll be singing that anytime soon.Although I wouldn’t mind worshipping with them sometime.They be havin fun, eh?

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15 October 2007 ~ 6 Comments

Great Design

So I’ve developed a pretty big value for high quality graphic design.  Didn’t used to have it.  I think it came from my time at Revolution, where everything that’s put out looks really good.  It was a high value there.  And I think it rubbed off on me.  But I’m definitely not an expert on […]

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15 October 2007 ~ 5 Comments

Mohawk Anyone?

Why settle for a faux-hawk when you could have the real thing?I thought about stopping at this point when cutting my hair this morning: My wife vetoed that idea.

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14 October 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Babe’s Story


We’re recently started a new series called Generations.  We have a very multi-generational church.  Through this series we are celebrating the beauty of that.  We are taking each week to highlight a specific generation and recognizing what they bring to the table.  What specific gifts and perspectives they have.  Reminding us that everyone is part […]

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12 October 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Life Groups And Community

Read a great post by Jonathon Herron today that explains pretty precisely why I passionately believe small groups are so important.  Whether you call em Life Groups, Community Groups, Care Groups, or something else, it’s all the same.  Please go read it here. Our church holds 3 core values.Intimacy with GodCommunity with insiders.Influence with outsiders.It’s […]

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12 October 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Famous Bloggers

It’s funny cause it’s true! For you "stat hos" out there: the two routes to becoming a famous blogger: Names come to mind for both of these situations. Are you a "famous blogger?"  Which route did you take?  Which route are you trying to take?  Or do you even care to be famous?  HT: Monday […]

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11 October 2007 ~ 1 Comment

This Sunday…Earl Creps


Haven’t blogged for a while.  I’ve had plenty of thoughts bouncing around my hollow dome that I’ve wanted to throw out here, but it’s been a busy week, I’ve been trying to spend the time I have with my fam, and although the thoughts have been there, I haven’t been very motivated to blog.  It’s […]

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06 October 2007 ~ 2 Comments


So, several weeks ago, I was apparently tagged by Rich Kirkpatrick to share my favorite passage of scripture.  And I never really got around to it.  in fact, I saw the post, but didn’t realize it was a tag thang until someone else he tagged responded. I had been intending then to share a single […]

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