Archive | October, 2007

31 October 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Happy Halloween

This was our third pumpkin.A team effort by myself and Rachel.She did most of the carving part.All that to say: Be safe.Have fun.Eat lots of sugar.That’s all.Lates.

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31 October 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Shakin It Up During Life Group


Here’s what it looks like when an earthquake hits during life group: The best part was Katie under the table.  That made me smile.  Sorry Katie, but that table is from Ikea…you’d probably be safer under a shelf.I guess I’ve been too desensitized to earthquakes.  As everyone else ran for cover I laughed and pulled […]

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30 October 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Another Brainstorm


OK, so we experimented with the brainstorm idea last week.  It went ok.  So I expect enev more participation this week.  Here we go. For the past several years, our church has headed up "Caroling on the Wharf" here in Santa Cruz.  In the past it was an event the city had put on, which […]

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30 October 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Free Crunchy Tacos

Because a base was stolen in the World Series, you can get a free taco today between 2 and 5.Click here for more info.Enjoy!

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29 October 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Hillbilly Harvest Festival


Last week was busy.  I taught on Sunday.  More on that later.  Video for Sunday morning to edit.  And yesterday was also our annual Hillbilly Harvest Festival for the community. It was AWESOME!!! Jane (our children’s ministry director) did an amazing job putting together so many of the details and making them happen.  Way to […]

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26 October 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Dan’s Story


This past Sunday we talked about the "Boomer" Generation at CLC.  Continuing with the sharing of stories of people from each generation, we got to interview Dan Cook.  Check out his story:    Dan is awesome.So is his family.He’s taking us sailing soon.Thanks Dan!!

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26 October 2007 ~ 5 Comments

Speaking Of 24…

…Thanks Megan! What the heck?!?!  Tony Almeida CANNOT be bad!!

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25 October 2007 ~ 6 Comments

Too Much 24 And Alias

24 – The greatest show ever to be on television.Alias – Rachel and I have started watching this show from the beginning.  We started about a month and a half ago.  We’re almost done with season 2 now. This morning on the way to work I passed a general contracting company from Salinas starting to […]

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22 October 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Throw Up An Extra Prayer

I’m sure a lot of you have been hearing about the SoCal fires.  A lot of you live there.  My fam is in San Diego.  There’s been fires before.  So I didn’t think much of it.  Til my sister called tonight. They’re fine and all, but their place is on voluntary evacuation right now.  And […]

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22 October 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Virtual Brainstorming


HELP ME! So yeah, I’m gonna try a little experiment here.  Here’s the deal.  As I’ve mentioned before, we are in the midst of a series at CLC called Generations.  We’re talking about the importance of our multigenerational makeup.  We had an intro week, then five weeks where we highlight a generation, and then we’ll […]

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