28 April 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Disney Repeats

I had a conversation earlier today with Ed and Brandon, as we were planning out our series for the year, about whether or not you can repeat a series, basically using the same points with a new spin.

To a certain degree, my take is that people aren't gonna remember it for he most part.  Repetition is often how we learn.  A mentor of mine said that's why he figures there are 3 synoptic gospels in the Bible.  God knew it would take us hearing it that many times to even begin to get it.

Anyway, I figure if one of the legends of animation can rehash the same clips over and over, why can't we do it to?  Check out this video that Rachel's friend sent her of Disney movie scenes that are virtually identical!  Hilarious!

As an added bonus, I'm just curious…
How many of you who go to CLC remember the 4 main points we focused on through Advent Conspiracy last year?  Without cheating!

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