Archive | June, 2009

25 June 2009 ~ 10 Comments

Santa Cruz Creative Play

I love getting to see my wife excited and passionate about something God is putting on her heart. Actually, it’s quite a turn on.  But I digress. Due to budget cuts, lots of the libraries in our area are closing down their story times.  Rachel and several other moms have loved going to these and […]

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24 June 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Parenting By Twitter

When I was in high school, I had a curfew and I got seriously busted if I wasn’t home by then AND hadn’t bothered to call. Now, my mom, and the rest of family for that matter, keep tabs on each other via Twitter, blog, and Facebook.  When I don’t call for a while now, […]

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24 June 2009 ~ 3 Comments

Polarize People With A Sloppy Wet Kiss

One of my new favorite worship songs over the past 7 months or so has been "How He Loves Us."The second verse of the song contains these lyrics: Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kissand my heart beats violently inside of my chest.I don't have the time to maintain these regretswhen I think about […]

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23 June 2009 ~ 0 Comments

A Really Goode Job

Some of you may be familiar with Randy Elrod. He is the creative genius behind Recreate and a bit of a social networking guru. I wanna ask you to help him out. You see Murphy-Goode, a winery in Sonoma, is offering a dream job opportunity. 6 months.  Home in Sonoma county provided.  A car, PDA, […]

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21 June 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Happy Father’s Day

Looking forward to a Father’s Day dinner at Dave & Busters with friends tonight.Hope you’re having a great Father’s Day too. As we all take today to celebrate dads and being dad, I thought I’d share some more video with you of Travis sharing what it’s like daily to be the father of a son […]

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15 June 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Cookies Lead To Stitches

So last night was a BBQ and night for last minute preparations at the site for Royal Family Kids Camp where I’m the camp pastor for the third year. The plan was for me to lead worship with the staff that night. Plans changed. I wasn’t there long enough. Caleb decided he really wanted one […]

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12 June 2009 ~ 6 Comments

What Is “That Song”

Some of y'all follow Los' blog.Yesterday, on this post, he asked this question: What is the current song, that when the band begins to lead, accelerates you to a closer place with God? I’m fairly certain it is a different song than your worship leader thinks of. Great question.And lots of answers there.I could sit […]

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11 June 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Email From A Hemophiliac Cyclist

I got an email the other day from a guy. He came across my video on YouTube about the Hemophilia ride. His name is Barry. Barry has Hemophilia. One of the dangers, especially in the past, of hemophilia, are the dangers that could come about as a result of blood transfusions. Because of a blood […]

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10 June 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Link Love From Christian Cruz

A while back I went to a Church 2.0 gathering in Santa Cruz and met Frank Johnson. Frank manages a website called, a resource to help network believers in Santa Cruz. I got to hear him enough that I’m pretty sure his heart isn’t to create yet another facet of Christian subculture, but hopefully […]

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05 June 2009 ~ 5 Comments

The Big 3-0 And Gifts

My birthday is in 3 days.Monday June 8th…I turn 30.Jesus' ministry started at 30, so I'm expecting big things this year. Usually I don't say TOO much about my birthday.I think last year I may have hinted at what I'd like.This year, I'm unashamedly asking you all to get me a birthday gift. If you […]

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