Archive | May, 2007

31 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Arr-Ess-Ess…It Will Save you Time!

Now tune in y’all, cause this is an important post for a lot of you new readers especially. I recognize that since moving here to CLC I have some more people swinging by to see what I have to say and what is going on in my life.  I am honored to have you here.  […]

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30 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Tri To Lose – Day 14

   UPDATE: current pledges = $16.01 per poundgoal = $20.00 per pound weigh in:      173.2 lbsweek1:        168.2 lbs    total loss:  5lbs         =    $80.05week2:        166.6 lbs    total loss:  6.6 lbs     =    $105.67 It all goes to invisible children in war torn Uganda.  Who else […]

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29 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Worship Confessional 8

A few days late, but here it is:    I got some link love from Los this week cause of showing pieces of the set, and it ends up being the first week in months that I haven’t.  DOH!  Oh well, guess you’ll have to come back next week. And I mentioned this in the […]

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29 May 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Memorial Day

My mom is in town for the weekend, so we cruised down to Monterey for Memorial Day.  It was the first time we’ve visited there and it was a blast.  We went by the Post Graduate Naval Academy where the Monterey Bay Symphony was doing a concert on the lawn.  Caleb had fun playing in […]

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24 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Freedom Attained

I posted last week that I would finally have freedom from TV in the evenings with all of the finales coming up.  Well, I just finished watching LOST, and now it’s all over.  So, just for fun I thought I’d share my thoughts from each of my beloved finale’s with you, ranking them from worst […]

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23 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Tri To Lose – Week 1

So, today is day 7 of weight loss effort.  Check out the results:    And I’m still looking for people to add some more motivation with some small donations.  Wanna help?  Need to lose a few pounds?  You can still be a part of that too!

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22 May 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Christian Pizza

Seems like nowadays everything is being turned "Christian" and then marketed to the Christian subculture.  You can go to your local Christian Book Store and get testamints, with a scripture on every wrapper and allowing you to have good breath while you share the good news.  Even Christian items have become over marketed at times.  […]

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20 May 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Seventh Confession

Missions emphasis Sunday this morning.  Had a good service.  Then had low-carb South Beach lunch at Zelda’s on the Beach in Capitola Village.  Check it all out here: Any thought?  How was your Sunday?

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18 May 2007 ~ 5 Comments

Westboro Baptist And Fred Phelps Do It Again

Just when I thought I’d been as disgusted and appalled as I can be by Fred Phelps and his "God hates fags" cronies at Westboro Baptist Church, I come across this video.  DISCLAIMER: As far as I’m concerned this video is way more offensive than any sexual content, violence, or language.  You’ve been warned. And […]

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18 May 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Bobby McFerrin

Dude…this guy is unreal.  how does he do this? Too bad the crowd is horrible!

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