Archive | July, 2006

31 July 2006 ~ 2 Comments

New Bloggers Alert!

Within the span of about 10 minutes I found out about 2 Revolution peeps who finally started their own blogs! After much prodding and encouragement, my wife has started a blog.  She’s giving it a go and is gonna see what happens.  Stop by her site and be sure to comment and give her […]

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28 July 2006 ~ 7 Comments

It’s Definitely A Boy!

Well, you’ll just have to watch the video at the bottom for the proof.  Just consider yourself warned! So on Wednesday, Rachel and I had the privilege of getting a 4D sonogram done.  It’s amazing how much you can see with these things.  Kinda helps you realize just how real the little guy is I […]

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24 July 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Open House @ The Hub

Sunday afternoon we had a whole bunch of you from Revolution come through The Hub for open house.  Many, many hours of work have been put in by staff and volunteers to get our office and warehouse space organized, operational and lookin good!  Thank you so much to all of you who have done so […]

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22 July 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Mac Ad Spoof

Here’s a spoof on the recent Mac ads.  It’s funny!!

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21 July 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Who’s In Charge At Your House?

That’s the question we asked kids at VBS a few weeks ago. This video was our intro for the message on Ephesians 5. It’s a pretty tough topic with lots of different viewpoints, so it was a fun way to kinda break the ice as we talked about our need to be in charge. Check […]

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20 July 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Church Hopping

One of the things I love to do in order to get ideas for creativity, see what else is going on that I can learn from, and just do some worshipping is visit other churches whenever I can. There is a short list of places I’ve been wanting to check out for a while, but […]

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18 July 2006 ~ 6 Comments

4X4 Adventure

Ok, so this post actually has nothing to do with off roading or my Jeep that was totaled which is in the picture.  It just made me think about my old Jeep and I wanted to tell you all how much I still miss her. Anyway, so what is 4X4?  It was started earlier this […]

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14 July 2006 ~ 0 Comments

For PC Users

As all of you regular readers have probably figured out, I am quickly on the road to becoming a Mac evangelist, and beyond hope at this point.  I do, however, want this to be an equal opportunity space on the web, and I understand that some of you are still stuck in your stubborn PC […]

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13 July 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Video Camera

So I’m taking a page out of Carlos Whittaker’s book over at Ragamuffin Soul. He asked for some suggestions on a good point and shoot camera and got what he needed without the hours of research. “What a great idea” I thought to myself. You see with a kid on the way, Rachel wants to […]

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12 July 2006 ~ 2 Comments


Everyday as I learn more about who God is and my understanding of worship changes and grows, that word "community" becomes more and more important.  I am recognizing more and more that we are created and built to live in community with each other.  We are created and built to worship God in the context […]

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