Archive | October, 2010

29 October 2010 ~ 7 Comments

Halloween: Rethinking The Holiday

Halloween is approaching this weekend. And for the first time since 2003, I won’t be slinging hay around a church for Halloween. I’d be lying if I said I was bummed about that.  I don’t have a very good relationship with hay anymore.  I’d say it’s love/hate, but I’m not sure where the love comes […]

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27 October 2010 ~ 1 Comment

Man Cold

I think the wife and kids passed on their sickness to me. Just in case you haven’t seen this video, it’s a lottle like our house this morning.

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26 October 2010 ~ 0 Comments

Keys To Planting a Church

Early this year I was listening to some teaching from Francis Chan from the Gospel Conference they did for the folks at Cornerstone Church. As he was sharing his heart, I remember him saying that when they started Cornerstone, there were 5 things you had to have to start a “successful” church: Good teaching Great […]

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23 October 2010 ~ 5 Comments

Still Grieving…

A few weeks ago at the all-county Men’s Retreat I realized just how ridiculous I sound at times.  Or how ridiculous my expectations are. The first night set the tempo for the weekend.  Joe Bishop shared out of Matthew 11 and introduced the theme for the weekend, finding rest in Christ and releasing our burdens […]

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22 October 2010 ~ 3 Comments

“House Of Worship”

Cheesy title, but I stole it from NBC. Rachel caught this segment on NBC Nightly News last night and saved it on our DVR for me. House churches. It’s not exactly what we’re doing, but it’s a whole lot closer than the traditional model of church that most are familiar with. At a time when […]

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18 October 2010 ~ 0 Comments

God? What Do You Want?

Several months ago I was sitting at a coffee shop sharing about our dreams and plans for Missio Dei Community with a friend. As we were chatting and I was honestly sharing my excitement and my fears, she asked a very interesting question. “Are you 100% sure this is what God is calling you to […]

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03 October 2010 ~ 3 Comments

Sunday Night (Err…Monday Morning?) Mind Dump

Tomorrow, Rachel and I leave town without the kids to this place: That would be Hume Lake. I picked the one with snow in the pic, cause, well, I read it could snow in the area this week. Our network, Converge PacWest saves a couple spots for church planters at the pastors retreat there every […]

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