Archive | November, 2008

26 November 2008 ~ 5 Comments

Full House For Thanksgiving

Family just arrived a few hours ago for the weekend. As you can see, it's a full house: Got home from the office to hang with the fam and I very quickly forgot about all the work I still have to do. I love having everyone around. This is what life is about. Have a […]

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21 November 2008 ~ 2 Comments

My Most Expensive T-Shirt

For those of you that missed the Twitter updates, I was unable to participate in the San Francisco Triathlon at Treasure Island a few weeks ago cause my back was too jacked up. We had already paid for a hotel room in Frisco, so we took the night away and stopped by the triathlon to […]

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20 November 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Life Aint So Bad

A little behind on blogs this week.  Saw this video this morning at Los' blog and MMI and I had to repost it.So true!  And I was laughing so loud!Everyone need to take 4 minutes and 12 seconds and check this out: What is the most ridiculous thing you've heard someone complain about recently?

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20 November 2008 ~ 4 Comments

A Peek Inside Bobby’s Head


I’ve been spending a lot of time this week wrestling with John 14. I’m teaching on that passage this week to close out our John series. Justin Fox will be our guest worship leader. There are lots of great concepts there.  I was thinking this week that I wish Jesus had listened to Andy Stanley […]

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13 November 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Oh How He Loves Us

I'm really looking forward to introducing this song on Sunday: Her voice totally reminds me of Rita Springer.

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13 November 2008 ~ 1 Comment


My friend Rich often posts his staff meeting doodles on his blog.  Always impressive because he’s quite the doodle artist.  Here’s an example. Well, today I had a long phone conversation and was doin a little doodlin of my own.  So I thought I’d take a page out of his book and share with ya: […]

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11 November 2008 ~ 13 Comments

My Better Half

One of the things I absolutely love about my wife is her ability to constantly encourage me and feed into my insecure self.  She reminds me regularly of who God made me to be. Sunday was a pretty busy and good day.  Leading worship in the morning.  Connections lunch with Ed and Brandon after church.  […]

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10 November 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Want To See A Free Movie?

Well, if you're in Santa Cruz on November 30th, that is. As I mentioned before, this Christmas we are running hard with Advent Conspiracy.  Let's spend less money this year, cut down the stress to focus on Jesus, give relational gifts of our time and effort this year, and give away the money we would […]

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05 November 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Reflections On Election 08

I kinda try to keep my politics fairly close to the vest around here. I’m too opinionated. I always end up ticking someone off. And I learned years ago that it wasn’t worth it for me. I still can’t help it sometimes. But now I figure, it can’t hurt since the voting is over, right?  […]

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04 November 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Obama V McCain: Dance Off!

Dude, this is awesome! HT: JR Woodward Enjoy your voting today y'all.  Vote, then take the day off going around town getting all your free food! StarbucksKrispy KremeBen & Jerry'sDairy QueenWoodstocks!!

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