Go watch this video.Then, regardless of your political, religious, or social opinions, just be thankful for what you have.That’s all.Have a nice day. HT: Daun Slauson
Go watch this video.Then, regardless of your political, religious, or social opinions, just be thankful for what you have.That’s all.Have a nice day. HT: Daun Slauson
Well…Mogulus has issues.Unfortunately the webcast didn’t work out so well. Not sure if it was the internet at the church or the 14 people trying to watch, but it had some issues.Got there right before the wedding. Couldn’t get logged in.Firefox shut down 3 times.Restarted the computer.Finally got it up and running, but had some […]
A good friend of mine, Jamie, is getting married in Stockton today.I had the honor of putting together a slideshow for her and Chris for the wedding.I would share it with you, but I figure she should get to debut it at her own wedding. Several weeks ago I asked what y’all might wanna see […]
OK. Last post about the talk from Earl Creps this past week.To get caught up, check out the last two posts in this series. So here is what the question that his talk really left me pondering. It ended with the idea that to be an organization that reaches the creative class, determine the barriers […]
LOST starts again tonight.Unfortunately, we don’t have cable.So we’ll be watching it online tomorrow. As a side note, you may have thought that LOST was a real original idea that J.J. Abrams birthed. Apparently not. Check out the black and white lost footage (pun sorta intended…but I recognize it was lame). HT: Just An Ordinary […]
Yesterday I shared some notes from a session with Earl Creps on reaching cultural creatives as a church. If you missed that, feel free to scroll down and check it out. One of the things the Earl mentioned that stuck out to me was their desire to contribute to the community they are a part […]
So, as I mentioned before, I’m currently out in Sacramento for our annual District Council. Truth is, it’s mostly a bunch of business meeting…not that exciting. On top of that, the truth is, the Assemblies is kinda a new world to Rachel and I, a new culture, so we don’t always feel like we fit […]
Got to District Council (fancy name for a bunch of business meetings) at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento yesterday.As usual, there were issues with my pre-registration. Not sure why that always happens to me.After a bit of waiting, they finally got my name tag printed up.Printed my name and stuck it on a tag.Here’s what […]
I love that now, when I don’t blog for a few days, my friends who see me regularly, even the ones in my Life Group, come to me and say, "Bobby, you haven’t blogged for a while…is everything ok?" LOL. It’s all good. Sorry for slackin y’all. Here’s a quick update on the past week. […]
This is Josh Robertson. Well, that’s him several years ago.He’s now our interim youth pastor.He’s a horrible blogger. He’s also a student at Bethany University.That means to stay here for the summer, he needs a home.He really isn’t that scary.The long hair, armband tattoo , and shirtless bulging biceps are just a facade.Do you have […]
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