Archive | February, 2007

28 February 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Amazing Grace

I really want to see this movie.  And Chris Tomlin is da bomb.  This is one of my favorite tunes from his last album.  Enjoy! HT: Two Blond Boys

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26 February 2007 ~ 12 Comments

Christ’s Body?

So I saw a teaser for this news story.  Apparently a filmmaker and an archaeologist have found the tomb and the body of Jesus Christ in Israel.  I found the story on MSNBC.  Here’s a small excerpt: "The Lost Tomb of Christ," which the Discovery Channel will run on March 4, argues that 10 ancient […]

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26 February 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Goin Off Road

Recently I started reading a new book by Earl Creps called Off-Road Disciplines.  I got the book for free with the condition of reviewing it this blog, so when I get through it, I’ll let ya know what I think (and who knows when that will be!).  So far, not quite what I expected, but […]

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22 February 2007 ~ 1 Comment

…And Another…And Another…

Holy moly!  Alright, at this point, I’m gonna have to stop posting fro every one and do an accasional update of new Revolution bloggers.  I love that I get the ability to keep up with more and more of your lives on a more consistent basis with technology!  So… Click here for Christopher Lytle. Click […]

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21 February 2007 ~ 3 Comments

JT In Concert Tonight

That’s right, and I’ll be there with my wife.  And no I’m NOT talking about Timberlake. This guy definitely aint bring sexy back!  So while some of you have no shame in sitting with a bunch of Junior High girls to enjoy that other JT, I can’t wait to sit in the middle of a […]

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21 February 2007 ~ 3 Comments

LT – In Powder Blue

I love Ben‘s take on all of our Amazon Wish Lists in this post at his blog.  It’s true.  We throw it up there just for fun, figuring you will know a little more about us that way, but I also hope maybe my family or someone will peek at it when gift times come […]

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21 February 2007 ~ 0 Comments

And Yet Another…

Go visit Beth Hutton’s weblog over here.  Keep em comin Revolution!!

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20 February 2007 ~ 0 Comments

India Team Is Rockin

I thought y’all might wanna check out this video I got from Dave for this past Sunday.  The team is in India and they are doing amazing things!  After you watch the video, make sure you stop by the India Team Blog to hear all about what they are doing and how you can be […]

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20 February 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Starbucks And Steeples

  VS    I read a great article this morning over at MMI about the things the church could learn from a staff field trip to Starbucks.  Check it out over here and then come back over.  It’s well worth reading. Now every so often I think we need to be careful about these things.  […]

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17 February 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Another One Bites The Dust

That’s right…Revolution bloggers just keep poppin up all over the place!  Go visit Charlie Garrison and leave him a comment so he knows you’re reading.  I have a feeling this one is bound to be entertaining!

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