20 February 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Starbucks And Steeples

Starbucks23452  VS    Steeple

I read a great article this morning over at MMI about the things the church could learn from a staff field trip to Starbucks.  Check it out over here and then come back over.  It’s well worth reading.

Now every so often I think we need to be careful about these things.  It is possible to go overboard worrying about these sorts of issues, but unfortunately, that’s NOT the problem at most churches. 

My favorite part is the reference to Starbucks goal, which I’ve heard before, of being the "third place" for people to be, right behind home and work.  I would love to see this be more of a goal in every one of our churches.  (Quick reminder – the church is not a building, it is a community.)  If we really want to be a community of believers doing life together and making an impact in our community, shouldn’t we be together a whole lot more than just Sunday and life group?  And shouldn’t all of these gatherings be a place where "outsiders" should feel comfortable to be with us and see Christ in us as well?

Just a few thoughts that got me going this morning.  What do you think?

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