Archive | March, 2006

31 March 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Friday Giveaway

That’s right friends, it’s time for the first ever Friday Giveaway. Don’t get your hopes up, though. Unless someone wants to find me a sponsor or start donating things to give away, this won’t happen often. the Toyota Long Beach Grand Prix is coming up next weekend, and I happen to have a bunch of […]

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31 March 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Voice Lessons

Anybody out there at Revolution or in the Long Beach area interested in taking some voice lessons? Christina Walker is the Pastor of Belong/Grow ministries here at the church, and she teaches voice on the side. Christina is a well trained vocalist with a Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts Ministry from University of Hartford. She […]

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30 March 2006 ~ 0 Comments

My Space Stats

So I saw this article over at the xxxchurch blog. It’s a pretty interesting write up from an integrity online e mail. Check it out: At Integrity Online we received many customer requests to block Xanga and MySpace, as well as some customer requests to keep them open. We have researched, at great length, the […]

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29 March 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Still Fasting?

Ok, so no, I’m not still fasting from the internet.  Unfortunately, the posts have been a little bit sparse due to some internet issues both at home as well as at work.  The office is working now, but it looks like I won’t have any web access from home til we move, which hopefully be […]

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23 March 2006 ~ 2 Comments

God Honors The Fast

After 6 long days of no "non-work internet" usage (which meant no inbubblewrap entries) God honors the faithfulness and sacrifice of his servant quite clearly. On my first day back from the fast I became a four time winner. That’s right folks, no ground lost. Here’s the book I look forward to receiving in the […]

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15 March 2006 ~ 0 Comments


For the past couple of weeks we’ve been talking about the discipline of fasting in our life groups.  So last night was the time for us to pray about it and find something to fast from for the next week. A few weeks ago I found the blogs of a few friends of mine and […]

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15 March 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Passion Worship CD

I almost ordered my copy of the new Passion CD that’s coming out on April 4th today.  Unfortunately, I had some technical difficulties, but I’ll pre-order it later.  You can get a copy here, or just check out the 30 second soundclips of all the songs.  I can’t wait to check out the whole CD.

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14 March 2006 ~ 0 Comments

John Piper on Disasters

We’ve been spending the last couple of weeks in a new series called JACK’D.  It’s a study through Job, and we’ve been emphasizing keeping our trust and faith in God when He allows things to go sideways in life.  I read this quote online this morning, and I thought it was really worth sharing considering […]

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14 March 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Breakin’ at Church

Seriously, though, this video is sweet.  I totally want this at our church, and I’m not even kidding.  Who’s in? [via thevoiz]

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10 March 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Lady Video

Thought I’d go ahead and post this real quick before going to bed . Many of you here know our newest staff member, our "right reverend of failities" Mr. Charlie Garrison. Well, for a good laugh at the end of your stressful work week, take about 5 minutes out of your day and click on […]

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