Archive | CLC

17 July 2008 ~ 1 Comment

CLC Web Presence

A while back we tried starting a CLC blog. Here was that attempt. It pretty much died a quick death. It’s time now to give it another go. Introducing the new CLC blog home. At least temporarily. Let me know what you think. We have about a week let to test it out and Typepad […]

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10 July 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Measuring Success

Lately it seems like God’s kinda been messing with my paradigm of what success looks like.  The brutal truth is, at our church, in the city of Santa Cruz, Sunday services can be pretty hit and miss.  It’s easy to get discouraged when I look out on a Sunday morning and see 70% of the […]

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02 July 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Building Update


So yeah…haven’t filled y’all in on the updates to our building lately.  It’s comin along.  Not as fast as I’d like it to, but hey, it’s comin along. Filmed this a couple weeks ago, but once again, better late than never.  Enjoy.

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27 June 2008 ~ 2 Comments

RFKC Part Five – New Shoes


If you haven’t been following along, Royal Family Kids Camp is a national camp for abused and neglected kids in the foster care system.  Our church hosts the Monterey Bay camp.  So I’ll finish the RFKC stories with this one. An organization called Soles for Souls offered to provide 2 pairs of shoes for every […]

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26 June 2008 ~ 0 Comments

RFKC Part Four – Saying Goodbye…Again


On the last day of Royal Family Kids Camp, I was getting things ready for the final object lesson and Bible story at the amphitheater.  I was walking by the basketball when one of the kids started to talk to me.  He went on to say he didn't want to go home, and I knew […]

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25 June 2008 ~ 0 Comments

RFKC Part Three – Campfire


At Royal Family Kids Camp, I had the honor of sharing with the kids and leading our campfire time on our last day.  It is a time if sharing our favorite memories, then talking to the kids about hurts, pains, and disappointment.  They each get a piece of wood and are invited to bring it […]

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23 June 2008 ~ 1 Comment

RFKC Part One – Memory Verse


I recently finished up a week as the camp pastor at Royal Family Kids Camp Monterey Bay.  Royal Family is a national organization and our church sponsors the camp in our area.  If you are unaware of what RFKC is, it is a week long camp for abused and neglected children in the foster care […]

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08 June 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Facebook Birthday, Yardwork, and 80’s Surprise Party

Today (Sunday June 8th) was birthday number twenty-nine, only one year away from twenty-ten!  As everyone so kindly reminded me all day when they heard my age. “You got one more year!”  This was commonly heard. Apparently life ends at 30.  Hehe. A few thoughts and recap of the day for those interested: Facebook Birthday:  […]

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06 May 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Creative Solutions

So, last Sunday the lamp on one of our projectors went out during the service.  Not gonna lie.  i knew it was going out.  Should have gotten a replacement for it earlier.  But, I didn’t.  So we had no back up for this past week. So I ordered one online, 2 day shipping.  They were […]

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22 April 2008 ~ 5 Comments

My Ordination


Got to District Council (fancy name for a bunch of business meetings) at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento yesterday.As usual, there were issues with my pre-registration.  Not sure why that always happens to me.After a bit of waiting, they finally got my name tag printed up.Printed my name and stuck it on a tag.Here’s what […]

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