23 June 2008 ~ 1 Comment

RFKC Part One – Memory Verse


I recently finished up a week as the camp pastor at Royal Family Kids Camp Monterey Bay.  Royal Family is a national organization and our church sponsors the camp in our area.  If you are unaware of what RFKC is, it is a week long camp for abused and neglected children in the foster care system.  Check out the Facebook page for the cause. also.

I can't express to you what an amazing week it was.  Truth is, while I totally believed in what the camp does, I was only marginally excited to be involved this year, considering my schedule and what not.  I helped out in this role part time last year, but this time was much more involved, staying there with Rachel and Caleb all week long.  I am so glad I did.

To give you a glimpse of what it was like, I wanted to share with you a quick story each day this week from something I experienced while at camp.  A snapshot of a changed life, a tender moment, or a fun time.

The first one came literally minutes into the experience.  I was at the church when the kids arrived to keep them entertained.  One of the campers recognized me from last year.  She came to me and said, "Bobby, I still remember the memory verse from last year."  She then went on to recite Jeremiah 29:11 to me without missing a beat.  I was pretty impressed, but what she said next really got me for some reason.

"I read it every night before I go to bed."

We spend a week with these kids, and you never really know how much these scriptures and Bible stories impacts them afterward.  To hear that she has been able to hold on to that promise from God, that she has read that verse over and over for the last year…you can't tell me that week didn't have a profound impact on that little girl's life.  And she was back for more.

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