Virtual Brainstorming
So yeah, I’m gonna try a little experiment here. Here’s the deal. As I’ve mentioned before, we are in the midst of a series at CLC called Generations. We’re talking about the importance of our multigenerational makeup. We had an intro week, then five weeks where we highlight a generation, and then we’ll have a final week to tie it all together. 2 weeks ago was about seniors, with guest speaker Earl Creps. Yesterday was about Boomers, and Ed spoke.
This next week is what we are calling Young Adult/Career. Age range: 25-39. Speaking: Yours Truly.
Basically, according to Wikipedia, this is for the most part Generation X. A lot of you who read this are in that bracket. A lot of you aren’t. Either way, I’d love your help. It’s been a tough message to think through. Especially since there’s not a clear biblical text that I’m supposed to pull from.
Some of the goal of this series is to share the value that the generation brings to the table, as well as to challenge them specifically. So here is where you come in. Let’s brainstorm together.
What do you think this specific generation in the church needs to hear?
What is our greatest contribution?
Where do we need to be challenged?
What are some good biblical texts to pull out for our generation?
I already have some ideas, but I’d love to hear yours. I look forward to seeing what you think.
So leave a comment and we can see how our ideas even bounce off of each other a bit.
Too shy? That’s cool. You can send me an e-mail if you’d rather, too.
I can’t wait to see what we come up with.
So start sharing!
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