Archive | March, 2007

31 March 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Anyone Need A Bed?

Free Queen size mattress and box springs available.  You just need to be able to pick it up tomorrow in Cerritos.  I’m throwin it on Craigs List, too – first call, first serve.  So if you need it or know someone who might want it, we’d love to give it to someone who needs it.  […]

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28 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Moving Party

Sunday is the day we load up the Uhaul with all our belongings before heading to the land of Birkenstocks and dreadlocks (that was for you Tim).  Anyway, we’d love your help gettin everything in the truck.  It will be a party!  And we’ll provide the pizza. We’ll probably around 10am and we’ll keep goin […]

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24 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Florida or Bust

So yeah, the posts have been pretty light and kick back lately.  But hey, that’s just kinda where we’re at right now.  Kinda decompressing before life gets full throttle again.  And the next week will most likely be really sparse on posts. Reason is, tomorrow at 5:45am we leave for Florida on vacation and get […]

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23 March 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Technology and Mom

OK, my mom also has a Canon Powershot SD600, just like the one she got us.  She was in need of a little lesson though.  Below is an example of what can happen when you put technology in the hands of someone who doesn’t really know how to use it. I schooled her a bit.  […]

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22 March 2007 ~ 1 Comment

The Zoo

Been a while since posting.  It was an eventful week and weekend last week.  Emotional too.  Send off at Church.  Going away party at Fuddruckers.  Lots of "see ya laters." And now I have 2 weeks of unemployment to vacation and get everything ready for the big move.  This week we’ve been spending time in […]

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18 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Farmer Joe

Here it is, the video from our service this Sunday morning.  My last shoot and edit at Revolution Church.  Charlie and I had a good time shooting this at Eric and Ashley’s farm in Norwalk. This morning was about the parable of the seeds from Matthew 4.  Often we want to "plant seeds" in the […]

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17 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Quality Time

That’s what I’m spending with my Macbook Pro – some quality time.  Only one more day and then I am banished back to the dreaded world of PC’s.  It’s a sad day my friends.  But hopefully it won’t last long.  If we can find a way to get together the cash, we will soon, hopefully […]

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16 March 2007 ~ 1 Comment

American Idol

                Sorry…haven’t really had the chance to post about this, so thought I’d throw it up here real quick. On Wednesday night Rachel and I had a date night and we went to a live taping of American Idol.  We got there at like 3 o’clock and barely made it […]

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13 March 2007 ~ 8 Comments

We Have A Home!

Rachel and I just got back from a trip to Santa Cruz to look for a place to live.  It was a LONG day of looking at about 10 different places.  Thanks a ton to Ed and Julie (the pastor and his wife) for cruisin with us all day.  To be honest, we didn’t expect […]

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11 March 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Bellflower Preview

First morning at Pace Elementary in Bellflower.  It was a crazy week of picking up lots of new equipment, racking it all up, connecting it, testing it out, shooting and editing a videocast… Check out the video and see how it went:    So that was my Sunday!  Bellflower team – you rock!  Lakewood peeps […]

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