Archive | India

06 September 2005 ~ 1 Comment

India Learnings

Well, I think I spoke a little too quick on trying to bypass that jetlag.  After getting home I don’t think I really slept well for about a week.  Life is finally kinda back to normal…at least as normal as it gets.  I’m really not one to spend a lot of time processing something after […]

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29 August 2005 ~ 7 Comments

Home At Last

Well, we finally landed at LAX last night around 6:15 or so.  It’s great to be home.  Right after landing I went with Rachel, Koble, Hoff and his parents directly to In n Out!  Wow was it good!  I got to bed last night around 11 or so and actually slept pretty well.  I woke […]

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24 August 2005 ~ 1 Comment

Pastor’s Conference

We’ve been back in Tenali for the past few days and wow is it refreshing.  We even have ac in our rooms!!  It’s crazy the things you take for granted until you don’t have it…like real toilets (we have one of those now, too)!  I got the opportunity to open up with the first message […]

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22 August 2005 ~ 2 Comments

4 Down – 1 To Go

That’s right, tonight is the final of our 5 crusades in and around the Repalle area. Tonight I will be giving the message and Dave will call people to respond to Christ. Of course, by the time many of you read this in the morning we will be done with our last crusade and on […]

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19 August 2005 ~ 2 Comments

The Island

Have you ever told someone about Jesus and have them reply with the age old question, "What about the island in the middle of nowhere where they have never heard of Jesus?"  I was at one of those last night.  And I will visit another tonight and 2 more after that.  Yesterday, after dedicating another […]

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16 August 2005 ~ 4 Comments

India…Here We Are!

After a day and a half of travel, we finally reached our first hotel in Chenai, India tonight!  We took about a 19.5 hour flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with an hour stop in Taipei, Taiwan for gas.  We got a day hotel for about 4 hours there, then flew another 3 hours or so […]

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12 August 2005 ~ 0 Comments

India…Here We Come!

Wow, I can’t believe that in just over 48 hours I will be on a plane headed to India to stay there for 2 weeks!  Luckily, my amazing wife did lots of shopping for me this week to get me ready to go.  She knows that if it had been left to me, I’d be […]

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