Archive | Church Planting

28 January 2010 ~ 2 Comments

Assessment Center – Day 3

Today was the shortest day of the assessment, yet oddly enough still one of the most intense. It started off with worship again. I actually enjoyed the song selection way more this morning. During worship there was a moment that I started thinking about all of you out there who have been praying for us […]

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28 January 2010 ~ 2 Comments

Assessment Center – Day 2 (Part 2)

Alright, after lunch. Small Group Exercise Now we went back into our small groups for another exercise. Same small groups, different set of assessors watching us. For this one there were two sites (areas/cities) that were described.  We had to pick one and had about 40 minutes to create an idea of what our church […]

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27 January 2010 ~ 4 Comments

Assessment Center – Day 2 (Part 1)

Wow. Long day. But good. I’ll try to give you another quick snapshot. Then I’m off to bed. Well, maybe after watching 24. The morning started with worship. The team that led did a good job. Unfortunately, call me unspiritual, but as a worship leader I sometimes struggle to worship in these contexts cause I’m […]

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26 January 2010 ~ 2 Comments

Assessment Center – Day 1

One of the things I did before heading here was asked some people who had been through the Converge Church Planting Assessment Center what it all looked like. I could only get so much of an overview. So now that I am in it I will share with all of you who care about what […]

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18 January 2010 ~ 3 Comments

Churches That Are Inspiring Me

Or maybe I should say church websites. As we get all prepared to leave CLC and get ready for this new adventure of starting a new church, I’ve come across a couple of websites for churches that I’m really digging. We’re not wanting to do the typical church planting sort of model. Recently I’ve stumbled […]

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21 December 2009 ~ 6 Comments

Another Big Transition

Welcome to the new blog. If you came straight to this post, click on home to see the front page look. I mentioned in an earlier post that his blog tends to be somewhat a reflection of my life. So I figured it was a good time to use a new theme as we enter […]

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08 October 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Catalyst Labs

It’s almost 2am. I have to be at Catalyst in like 5 hours. I should go to bed. But I’m in the lobby of the Hilton.  So instead I’ll share some quick highlights from my day at the labs and then go to bed. Ed Stetzer One of the sessions I checked out was Ed […]

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28 August 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Church Planters Assessment

For a long time I’ve mentioned our heart and desire to one day plant a church.  In a way, that could be a good way off still.  So don’t worry CLC peeps, this post doesn’t mean I’m going anywhere TOO soon. On the same note, we also feel that day rapidly approaching in the grand […]

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10 July 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Measuring Success

Lately it seems like God’s kinda been messing with my paradigm of what success looks like.  The brutal truth is, at our church, in the city of Santa Cruz, Sunday services can be pretty hit and miss.  It’s easy to get discouraged when I look out on a Sunday morning and see 70% of the […]

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22 February 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Be A Catalyst

Many of you know, one of the passions in mine and Rachel‘s life is church planting.  That being the case, I love to follow the life and adventures of brave church planters. One of those pioneers who I have enjoyed following over the past couple of years is Jonathan Herron.  Honestly, not even sure how […]

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