21 December 2009 ~ 6 Comments

Another Big Transition

Welcome to the new blog.

If you came straight to this post, click on home to see the front page look.

I mentioned in an earlier post that his blog tends to be somewhat a reflection of my life.
So I figured it was a good time to use a new theme as we enter into a new season of life and ministry.

Yesterday we announced at Christian Life Center that February 21st will be our last Sunday on staff there.

We’re planting a church.

Well over 5 years ago God placed a passion and call in mine and Rachel’s hearts to one day be church planters.
And this past year this passion has bubbled up within us in huge ways.

After lots of time talking with God, fasting, praying, looking at different options; we finally think we know what God is up to.
And we plan to start a new movement/faith community right here in Santa Cruz.

You will hear a whole lot about this church and our plans here at the blog.  It is going to pretty much consume us.
I’ve already got like 83 posts in  my head to share with you guys about where we’re headed and what God’s doing.

We are currently discussing partnership with a church planting organization/denomination called Converge USA (formerly Baptist General Conference).
As a final step in that process, they are sending us to a 4 day intense church planters assessment at the end of January.
Please pray right off the bat that all goes well there.

So that’s the BIG news coming out of our lives right now.
And for us, it really is big.
It means huge shifts for us including raising support, finding another job, and moving again at some point.

It feels like stepping out in faith in a big way.
There’s plenty to be nervous about.
And it means all we can do is hand it over to Jesus.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We are excited to see what God has for us.
Excited to live out passionate spirituality in the context of radical community.
Excited to rethink being the church in our community.
Excited about living out the values of transformation, dependence, justice, beauty.

So we are inviting you to see it happen from square 1.
We don’t have it all figured out yet.
I didn’t wait til we had a logo and a real cool website to unveil it all at once.
This is a work in progress.
And we’re stoked to have you on the journey with us.

The blog should start looking better in time also.

And so we head into another transition in our lives.
Thanks for coming with us!

Now…here we go!!

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