Archive | Weblogs

20 June 2006 ~ 7 Comments

Looking For Feedback

Here it is.  My first official Typepad post.  If you’re here, you probably got here from the blogger design to check it out.  Let me know what you think.  Still haven’t decided if it would be worthwhile or not, and the top of this page I’m looking at tells me I have 14 days to […]

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20 June 2006 ~ 1 Comment

New Blog Host?

OK, so I haven’t had many posts lately, and this time it’s not because I haven’t had anything to say.  In wanting to improve my blog more, I’ve been thinking about switching over to Typepad because I’ve seen a lot of other blog designs I really like that use them. So this site has been […]

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08 April 2006 ~ 1 Comment

I know that there are some of you out there who link over here or type the URL for this site in your browser every so often to see if anything new is posted. Well, maybe a couple of you at least. Anyway, just want to share a great tool with some of you who […]

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03 March 2006 ~ 5 Comments

I’ve Been Tagged!

That’s right. Trotter tagged me in this "four times eight" thing. So here it goes: Four Jobs I’ve Had: Lifeguard (Soak City – White Water Canyon when I worked there) Waiter (Marie Callender’s) Page (CBS) Performer (Disneyland) Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over: Braveheart Rat Race Pirates of the Carribean Tap – (Sammy […]

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24 February 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Blog Cloud

Check out my blog cloud. Visit this website and you can put in your web info and it creates this cloud of words that are used commonly on your site. Kinda fun. You can tweak it and change words, but i just left mine as it came up. Interesting to see the words that popped […]

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01 March 2005 ~ 0 Comments

The Birth Of A Blog

Well, I’ve finally decided to go ahead and give this whole blogging thing a shot. It’s a fairly new concept to me, and I read several others now, so I decided that it was time to join in. So here it goes. So, why blog? I’ve decided that to begin, this blog will have 3 […]

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