Archive | August, 2006

31 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Celebration of Blog Day

So I guess someone decided that today is officially Blog Day 2006.  The idea is to put up 5 links that you have never posted before.  For me, this will mostly be new blogs I’m reading, one’s I have been wanting to check out more and haven’t, or I guess just blogs I haven’t mentioned […]

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27 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Tagged Again

This time’s  little different than the last time I got tagged.  My friend Ben at Babulife tagged me to share about some of the books I’ve read.  Just this past week I was telling Rachel, on vacation, that I love getting the knowledge from books, and I really want to read the books, but I’m […]

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23 August 2006 ~ 3 Comments


This week, ROCKharbor church in Costa Mesa is producing "Tableau: A festival for Christian Artists, Dreamers, and Storytellers."  It starts tonight and has several events running through Saturday, including the opening of their stage production of Donald Miller’s book Blue Like Jazz.  If you can find some time, go by and check out what they […]

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22 August 2006 ~ 0 Comments


Have you bought your tickets yet? We’ve been working for the past couple of months getting ready for our comedy night called Hilarious.  It’s this coming Saturday at Cal State Long Beach in the University Theater @ 6pm. The night begins with music by our very own Elijah Young.  Our opening comedy act, following Elijah, […]

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21 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Maternity Photos

About a month back or so, Rachel’s old friend and college roommate, Leah Vis, came out to our place to take some maternity photos of Rachel.  Today we met up with her and her husband Rob at their pad in Riverside to get the pics.  She did an amazing job!!  Check out the photo album […]

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19 August 2006 ~ 3 Comments

Family Fun With Photo Booth at the Condo


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18 August 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Getting Video

So last week I learned a few tricks for if you ever want any footage from YouTube or Google Video to have as your own.  Check out these websites: To download the video, you’re on a Mac use iSquint to convert the format to whatever you want. So next time any of you pastor’s […]

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17 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment


That’s what I’ve been doing a whole lot of the past several days.  Throw in a few rounds of golf, some basketball, and lots of food and there you have the first leg of our vacation. It’s been nice to just kinda kick back and get some rest.  We have, however, been in a 2 […]

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16 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Jackson James

OK friends, so I’m way late on this, but it still very desrving of a post.  Big congrats to Beth and Mike Hutton who welcomed Jackson James to their family on July 25th.  (I told you I was way behind!) Get ready, cause I think this is the beginning of a long string of these […]

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15 August 2006 ~ 4 Comments

Want a Truck?

Or do you know anyone who does? With a baby on the way it’s time to do some downgrades to free up some funds.  And one of the painful ones is the loss of my truck.  It hurts, but I know that it must be done.  So if you know of anyone who wants a […]

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