Archive | June, 2005

27 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Safari Sam and Decoy Dave

It’s that time again. Around rolls another year of VBS and it’s time for Bobby and Dave to get dressed up and entertain the kiddies! Doesn’t every worship leader/pastor team do this? So this year the theme is Summer Safari and that makes me Safari Sam, animal photographer out to get some good shots. And […]

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26 June 2005 ~ 1 Comment

Momentum ’05

I spent Wed. – Fri. down at Newport Dunes for Soul Survivor’s worship conference – Momentum. They ended up making it a free event, so Rachel and I took advantage of the opportunity and spent the three days camping on the beach down there. Throughout the three days there were times of worship led by […]

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21 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Bits of Worship Team Wisdom

As I continue to lead our worship community at Revolution alongside our lead team, every day and every week brings a new set of learnings and growth. Here’s a great article by Phil Christensen that Dave turned me on to about some of the learnings that come from being a lead worshipper. [via] Ten Secrets […]

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20 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments

I got a new site to host my blog! I wanted to make it a little easier for people to be able to find my blog, so with Chris Koble and geekhost as my web hoster (shamless plug: if you need a site go to him!) I finally got it all set up. Obviously it […]

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18 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Surf and Study

This morning 11 of us met at Starbucks in Seal Beach for the surfing connecting event.  10 guys and one lone lady!  We had a good morning of hanging out and catching some waves together.  It’s been a while since i’ve been out, so I definitely need to make more time this summer to surf, […]

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18 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Life Group Game Night

Last night our life group got together for a fun evening at the home of Bill and Jennifer Gibb. It was a game night and our first social event as a life group. We had a blast! Lots of games and snacks. I’ve found that game nights tend to be an excuse to be competitve […]

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17 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Songs For A New World

Three Trees Theater, a production company based out of ROCKharbor has a musical coming up that looks like it should be pretty cool. It’s called Songs for a New World and it’s a musical about four individuals living in New york City on the day of 9/11. I’ve heard the recording of the music from […]

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16 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments


So I’m sitting here in our luxury single-wide office at Revolution Church today when the whole thing starts creekin and shaking. Must have gone for like 20 seconds. After a little bit of online research I find out it was a 5.3 earthquake centered in Yukaipa. It’s been a while since I felt one that […]

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12 June 2005 ~ 1 Comment


This past Wednesday was my 26th birthday. Since I spent that whole day working, Rachel and I spent Saturday together to celebrate. She took me out to dinner that night at Belmont Brewing Company in Belmont Shore. She treated me to Filet Mignon and man was it good. I love steak! Before that, though, we […]

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12 June 2005 ~ 0 Comments


So this past Friday night, Dave and I got free VIP tickets to see Creation at the Crystal Cathedral. OK, Dave got the invitation and I got to tag along. He wrote on his blog about it, so I’ll fill in a few details from my perspective. As he shared, we spent time talking to […]

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