06 March 2006 ~ 7 Comments

I Met “Debbie From Long Beach”

That’s right friends. For all of those who are regular visitors at inbubblewrap, you have no doubt hears of the infamous Debbie from Long Beach. She has now won like 10 times. In fact, when asked how many times she had won, she smartly replied, "Like twice a week for the past 3 months."
Well here’s the greatest part of the story. She commented to me (yes, I even had multiple conversations with the legend) that if I was around her enough, maybe it would rub off. Kind of like inbubblewrap karma, even though she doesn’t believe in karma. Low and behold, I turn on my computer this morning to find an e-mail notifying me that I had won again! That’s number 3.


Thanks Debbie! If you’re out there reading this, maybe you’d be willing to sign the book for me someday.

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