09 July 2006 ~ 2 Comments

My Career As A Fire Fighter

Every once in a while, I have one of those Sunday mornings where it seems like the entire morning consists of puting out one small fire after another.  This morning was one of those mornings.  First we get into the building 15 minutes late cause there’s no custodian there, and that adds some stress to the morning automatically.  That may not sound too late, but setting up on the schedule we do, 15 minutes can make a big difference.

Then the projectors get setup, but there’s no signal getting to them from the computer.  Then one of the pieces on one of the house lights is broken off and it won’t hold the lens in.  Then another light on the communion station burns out.  The light in the entry way is burning the gel and now the area is filling up with smoke.  There’s no power going to the DVD player.  Second service: the guitar needs a battery.  The floor mic all of a sudden doesn’t work.  Elijah’s guitar stops working all together.

All the production teams stepped up to help get things fixed and pick up slack in other areas, and that was awesome.  In the end, in spite of a few little fires (figuratively…the light in the entry way got unplugged quickly) we had an awesome service.  The message was challenging.  Phil and Sarah produced 2 amazing art pieces during the service.  If you didn’t get to see them, I think they should be up at the Hub for open house on July 23rd.  Worship was powerful.  God was glorified.

Hey…what do ya say we do it again next week?

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