21 April 2009 ~ 0 Comments

600 Miles On A Bike?!

I mentioned a big announcement I was gonna make on here.
Well, that's it.

That's what I will be doing from August 24th-29th this summer.
Sound crazy?
Yeah.  I think I'm actually a bit frightened too!
So why am I doing it?
Check out this video for starters:

Hemophilia is a cause that is close to my families heart cause of my cousin and his family.
In the past, we have used this blog to raise money for Invisible Children while I lost weight, or to encourage you to check out Compassion International.
Now I want to ask you to help me give towards my cousins blood disorder as a way to care for the people right here close to me.

The goal is to raise $3500 by August.
Remember those shots you heard about in the video?
Each one cost $4300.
That's $560,000 a year.
The money I'm trying to raise wouldn't even pay for one of those shots.

So, I'm asking you all to join me and help make a difference.
And over the next several months I'll be sharing pieces of my cousins story, info about hemophilia, and sharing my training to get ready with you.
There was so much great info I got video of while iChattin with my cuz.
And a pretty funny outtake too!
I'll share it with ya as we go.

So here's the deal,
For the homepage on this blog, click here.
For my fundraising page, click here.
To join the Facebook cause, click here.

Please consider partnering with me and giving.
And please help me to spread the word.

Thanks y'all.
And I can't wait to share the journey with you.
Here we go!

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