08 June 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Showin My Desk


About a week or so ago, Victor Estrada had a post on his site about a little contest he was starting for fun called Show Your Desk.  After showing how messy his desk was, and realizing he probably wasn’t the only one, he decided to see what other people’s desks look like.  He then decided to give out prizes for the following categories:

  • Messiest desk
  • Most pimped out desk
  • Most random object on desk
  • The "You call that a desk?" desk

Those of you who know me know that organized isn’t exactly the first word that comes to mind when describing me.  So I figured, what the heck, whipped out my cell phone real quick, and snapped a few shots.  Here’s what came out:



I told you I’m a mess.  Definitely think it should be in the running for messiest desk, and I don’t know if the Michael Jackson Anthology would count as a random object for a pastors desk or not, but it could count…yeah?  So check out the other entries and let him know what you think I should win.

Now, that’s only part 1 of the story really.  This also kinda motivated me to get my office together.  I’m ok with a bit of disorganization, but that was a tad bit on the embarrassing side.  So, after a bit of cleaning and interior decorating, here’s what the desk looks like now:


Ahhh…much better now.  Much cleaner, creative environment, and ready to invite people in for meetings.  I feel better, and more productive.

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