17 June 2007 ~ 1 Comment

My Father

I know, another introspective post after yesterdays sharing.  But that’s the thing.  Yesterday only tells part of the big picture.  And no, this has nothing to do with the dad mentioned in the prior post.

All the time you hear about people who’s fathers are horrible representations of God.  This often creates a barrier to people seeing God as the loving and caring "Father" that He is.  Perhaps if I got stuck focusing on my biological pops that would be true for me as well.  But I was ridiculously blessed to have a different story.

My stepdad.  I never called him dad.  He was always Vic.  I think I was 6 or so when he and my mother were married.  I even vaguely remember the wedding.  But he was always my father.  He took me on camping trips.  He was at every one of my shows, events, etc.  He was a big dude, and most of my friends were slightly afraid of him when they first met him.  Until they discovered the size of his heart and the gentle spirit that came along with it.

He pumped me with encouragement.  I’ll never forget the time we were sitting at a show or something and there was this amazing pianist playing.  I think I commented about his mad skills, and he told me that he and mom hoped knew I could do that one day.  And he meant it.  It hadn’t ever really crossed my mind till then that I could strive to be the best at something.

He passed away when I was 16 years old.  He truly was my father.  He poured himself into us.  And it wasn’t always easy.  I never spoke with him much about faith.  In fact, it was after his death that I found comfort, healing,and community in Jesus for the first time.  I don’t know what he believed exactly.  But I can’t think of a better example of God’s love and acceptance.

Someday I hope that Rachel and I will have the opportunity to adopt.  I want to do so because I think in a way, it will give me a small glimpse of God’s heart for me, a Gentile, grafted into His plan and adopted into His family.  But I also feel the confidence to do this because I had an amazing example.  And it’s helped me to understand God’s adoption of me into His Kingdom.

It’s been over 11 years since I last hugged him in a parking lot in El Cajon.  But if he were here, I’d want him to know how thankful I am for the example he was to me.  An example of fatherhood. An example of God’s love.  Thanks Vic.

And to all you Dads out there who are doing the same, Happy Father’s Day.  I hope it rocked.

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