31 July 2007 ~ 5 Comments

“You don’t seem quite so far away with your blog.”

That was a quote from Bob Matulich yesterday.  Bob and Sara are an amazing couple we know from Revolution.  They also happen to be Jenny Platt‘s parents.  (And Bob rips it on the accordion!)  They were in the area yesterday and we got to enjoy lunch with them at Gayle’s.


That’s what I love about this blogging thing.  It really has done wonders to close the gap some with a lot of friends and family we don’t get to see often.  And for those we do see often, I get to keep up with what’s happening in your life.

So if you don’t have one yet, what’s the hold up?  And if you do, post something so I can hear from you!

And thanks for lunch yesterday Bob and Sara!

5 Responses to ““You don’t seem quite so far away with your blog.””