Labor Day Weekend ’07
In February of last year, we spent a weekend at a cabin in Big Bear with a group of friends from our Life Group. Charlie and Bridget, Stephen and Stephanie, and Will. They were the first group of people we told that Rachel was pregnant, even before our parents. Needless to say, they have been significant people in our lives.
Since then, a lot has happened. Two kids have been added to the mix. I had the privilege of baptizing Charlie at Revolution. I’ve seen Charlie and Bridget step it up as amazing Life Group leaders and seen them grow together in their relationship with Christ by leaps and bounds. Rachel and I have very literally lived life with Stephen and Stephanie, living with another couple, a three year old, and a newborn in a four bedroom house in Cerritos. I met weekly with Will along with a few other guys before work every Friday morning, sharing our lives, praying for each other, and growing deeper in our understanding of God together.
Now, a year and a half after that Big Bear trip, they all joined us in Santa Cruz for Labor Day weekend. We had a blast together. Visiting San Francisco. Cruising around Pac Ave. Watching the surfers at Steamer’s. Playing games at Ed and Julie’s. Grilling burgers at our pad.
As I drove home from taking the last of them to the airport, I began to think of the significance of their visit for me and the lengths they went to to be here.
Charlie and Bridget. Charlie owns his own business. Things are getting better and better, but they definitely aren’t rolling in dough. Yet they valued our friendship and time together enough to make the sacrifices to be here to see where we’re at and spend some time with us.
Stephen and Steph. Woke up at like 5am on Sat (trust me, that alone is big! ;)). Spent over 6 hours both directions in a car with a three year old and a three month old to be here.
Will. Who likes to have everything planned and doesn’t like spontaneity. After calling to tell him he should join us this weekend didn’t even think twice and bought his plane ticket before any of us could blink an eye.
We each have our own issues. None of us are perfect. When we get together, us guys tend to push the boundaries of appropriateness to where our wives think we’ve all reverted back to Junior High. We laugh a lot. We bicker a bit. We pick on each other at times. But I know that every single one of them would go to bat for me in a heartbeat. I know some of them have already come to my defense in discussions behind my back. And I would go the extra mile for them, too.
In our Life Group training at CLC, one of the primary purpose we’ve been discussing for our groups is to allow for spiritually significant relationships in peoples lives. These friends are an example of that for me. As I drove home last night, I realized how much I personally miss the times with them. And it made me long again for those types of relationships here in Santa Cruz, which I know will eventually come. They take time. And it’s well worth the wait.
Thanks for a great weekend guys. And thanks for being such great friends. Rachel and I are blessed to have so many great people in our lives. These are just a few of them. And…oh yeah…as you can see below, we added another to the group while cruisin down Pac Ave!
2007 – Pier 39, San Francisco DT Santa Cruz…with Robert Pinky!
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