06 November 2007 ~ 0 Comments

The Numbers That Really Matter

The goal of church planting is not to build a church

goal is to reach lost people. Jesus reserved the right to build
churches for himself. Numbers definitely matter, but the most important
one is the number of lost people in our community… and it should be a diminishing one.

GuardianEver see the cheesy Kevin Costner & Ashton Kutcher movie The Guardian? Costner is a legend in ocean search and rescue. All the young recruits are in awe of him and try to guess the number of people he saved in his career. The popular estimate is 300.

Love this dialogue at Costner’s retirement:

“What’s the number” Kutcher asks Costner point-blank
“22″ says Costner.
“Well that’s pretty good, but it’s no 300,” says Kutcher,
As Costner finishes packing his bags, he says…
“That’s not how many I saved; it’s how many I lost. That’s the only number I’ve kept track of.”

HT: Ben via Pete

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