27 December 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Christmas Vacation

Merry Christmas y’all.
I know a little late.
I’ve been out of town, so here’s a few updates of the past week.


That’s Caleb before our Christmas Eve service.
I keep thinking he looks like a little ska baby.
He dressed up more than I did.
His mom dressed him she didn’t dress me.
Christmas Eve service went well.  Confessional to follow…someday.


Christmas morning was just the three of us.  It was relaxing.  It was great.
It was a blast watching Caleb open gifts.
This year he actually cared about the gifts more than the wrapping paper.
The pic above is Caleb opening Uncle Will‘s gift.
Christmas afternoon began the 8 hour drive to San Diego.
Been here the last couple days with family.

Tomorrow (Friday) is Disneyland with the fam.
You passholder friends keep an eye out for us.

Then it’s off to spend the weekend and New Years with Rachel’s fam.
In Big Bear.
Doin me some snowboardin on New Years Eve.

So blogging will continue to be spotty.
Hope you all had a great Christmas!!

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