08 January 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Back To Phase One


Shortly after moving to Santa Cruz, my wife and I went for a hardcore health kick.
South Beach was the diet of choice.
Over a year ago I tried the Blogger Big Butt Weight Loss Challenge.
I started at 179 lbs.
Then we started Tri To Lose.
I started that around 172 lbs.
I finished at around 155lbs.
Then I slacked, not to mention the holidays hit and people brought by all sorts of goodies to the office everyday.
So Rachel and I have talked about going back to the first phase of the South Beach diet.
This morning I weighed myself.
It was depressing.
The outcome?
It hurts to type it.
I don’t know if I can do it.
168.4 lbs.


Back to phase one.
This time I’m racing all the way down to 150!
It was nice knowing you Carbs.
Anyone else add some pounds over the holidays?

*Disclaimer: While I will go back to hardcore dieting with some exercise mixed in, I am going here in a month and will be exempt for one week.  You can’t visit the south and not enjoy the food!

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