15 February 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Uganda Story #2: Meet Diego

This is Diego:


I’m sure you’ve figured out by now he is not from Uganda.  Diego lives in Peru.  Diego is the child that Rachel and I sponsor for $32 month.  You see Rachel actually brought a child into our marriage.  When we got married she was sponsoring a child through Compassion.  That child left the Compassion program eventually, and we just recently started sponsoring Diego.

So I’m not gonna lie.  Somewhere along the line I learned to be very cynical at times.  I didn’t trust organizations like Compassion.  I wondered if the money really went where they said it did.  I guess I just never trusted Sally Struthers.  But somewhere along the line, my wife helped me to see the value in an organization like Compassion, and we have always sponsored a child.

Now there are 16 bloggers in Uganda with Compassion.  And I know that they aren’t internet hoaxes.  Five of them I know personally.  I’ve met them.  I iChat with them.  I sat down for drinks with some of them last week.  And the things they are sharing are amazing me.  It is making me so much more thankful still that we have and continue to be a part of this.  It makes me so much more a believer of what Compassion is doing.  You think our $32 a month doesn’t make a difference?  Check out these pics I got from Whittaker Woman of a child not able to be in the program and a small group that are:



What a difference $32 can make.  Try to tell me there isn’t dramatic life change in those kids.

Point is, I’m not encouraging you to do anything we haven’t done/don’t do.  I’m in full-time ministry.  My wife is a stay at home mom.  Can we really afford it?  Most people would say no.  Does it come out of our tithe?  No.  We figure we can’t afford not to.  They need it more than us.  No argument.

Fast one meal out a week if you need to.  Get rid of cable and DVR. (Oh man!! Did he just suggest that?)  Find $32 a month in your budget.  And change someone’s life more than you could possibly imagine with that amount where you live.

Go here to sponsor a child.
In fact…what the heck?!  Let’s see if we can get at least 10 NEW people to sponsor a kid from this blog this month (Compassion International blog month).  Come on CLC community.  I’m startin with you.  Step up now! 

How many of you already sponsor or are going to as a result of the "Ugandaliers?"  (Fancy schmancy name credit to JVo.)

2 Responses to “Uganda Story #2: Meet Diego”