Catalyst Speakers – Day 1
So here are some notes from the first full day of speakers at the Catalyst conference for you. Not at all exhaustive, but just some quotes and ideas from some of the presenters.
Andy Stanley
Andy started off the conference by speaking on moral authority out of Nehemiah 5:6-18. Nehemiah was able to lead the way he did not because of his position, but his influence. He had moral authority. He had proved himself to the people over 12 years. Here are some notes on what he said:
- Moral authority – alignment between your creed and your deed.
- As church leaders we MUST have moral authority in 3 primary areas of our lives:
- Forgiveness
- Family
- Finances
- As leaders, we can’t carry into the future the junk of the past.
- If forgiveness is at the epicenter of our faith, we have to lead the way in forgiving, no matter how we have been hurt in the past. And if you are a leader, you have been hurt and/or betrayed.
- Someday there will be another pastor at North Point Community Church, but my kids will never have another dad.
- For some of you, the boldest leadership decision you could make this week is to walk out of here right after this session and go home to spend time with a family that hasn’t seen you in weeks.
- Nehemiah spent 12 years not taking what was financially “owed” him, which gave him great moral authority when the time came.
Very challenging stuff to start out. I know that my biggest struggle that I need to lay down is the forgiveness factor. How about you?
William Paul Young
This was just a casual interview with the author of The Shack. The most impressive part to me was his passion and authenticity. His emotion as he talked about the people in our culture that are asking why God is putting them through things as he spoke passionately on the verge of tears made me want to tear up myself. There was only one quote I wrote down from this one, but worth sharing.
- We have a group of young people coming up today and they have the best crap detectors I’ve ever seen.
Jim Collins
Collins is the author of Good to Great. A book I have on my shelf that I’ve been wanting to read one day. He spoke about several principles from his book. His talk was simply a gold mine of leadership principles. Which means I took lots of notes. Good stuff!
The most important thing in your organization is a culture of discipline.- Principle of the flywheel – it NEVER happens in one fowl swoop.
- If you get too far, too fast…BEWARE!
- Undisciplined pursuit of more is how the great fall.
- First ask who, then what. Make sure you have the right people in your organization, then grow.
- The ultimate preparation for what you cannot predict is who you have on the bus.
- Signature characteristic of leaders of great organizations vs good organizations – humility.
- If it is about you, you will not build something great.
- A big difference between “level 5″ leaders and “level 4″ leaders is a willingness to make painful, difficult decisions.
- The true report card of a leader comes in after they are done.
- The presence of a To Do list without an equally robust Stop Doing list is a lack of good discipline.
- Do not spend 5 years getting 2 years experience. You can decide who you work for. Choose wisely.
He finished with a list of things to do in your organization this week. Not sure I got them all, (I think there was supposed to be 10) but here’s what I did get:
- Go use the free diagnostic tool at
- Self assess – how are we doing at these things.
- How many seats are on the bus? How many are filled? What is the plan to get to 100%?
- Get young people in your face!
- Create a personal board of directors.
- In your church, build a counsel.
- Turn off electronics for a day.
- Ask yourself, “How do I commit myself to where I’m passionate enough to endure the pain of level 5 leadership vs. level 4 leadership?”
Lots to digest from his talk. I think I’ll need to pick up that book soon.
I’ll let you chew on those three for a bit, with the final 3 from that day coming in a little bit. Trying to keep these posts somewhat manageable on the reading level.
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