01 December 2010 ~ 1 Comment

World AIDS Day And Art For AIDS

Each year, Dec. 1st is recognized as World AIDS Day.
It started in 1988 as a way to raise awareness and remember those who have passed as a result of AIDS.

In case you haven’t heard yet, I thought it would be a good time to share about an upcoming event we have with Missio Dei Community.
In just a week and a half we are hosting an event called Art For AIDS.  It’s at Kuumbwa Jazz Center.  It’s a night of comedy, music, and art, and all ticket and art sales will go to benefit Santa Cruz AIDS Project.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

It’s gonna be a blast and you don’t wanna miss out!
Over the next week or so, I’ll put up some posts to share more about the event and the artists involved.
But today in honor of World AIDS Day, the first 20 tickets sold with the code aidsday2010 wil get 20% off their ticket price.
Click here to buy some tickets.
For more info, check out www.createhumanity.org.
And of course, check out the Facebook page, too.

Also, as another cool resource for the season, check out this Advent calendar that specifically focuses on the issue of AIDS around the world.
See ya at Kuumbwa Jazz Center  on December 11th!

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