17 March 2010 ~ 2 Comments

St. Patrick & Irish Car Bombs

I’ve fallen behind a little on the blogging.
Been traveling, leading worship, and raising support.
All good times…for the most part.

But today is St. Patrick’s Day.
Just to remind us who St. Patrick even is, I invite you to check out this post from last year.
And when you pinch someone cause they aren’t wearing green, remember it’s all because of the missionary endeavors of Patrick in Ireland. Natural connection, of course.

Speaking of, the other totally understandable way to celebrate the evangelization of an entire country is drinking beer.
So join me at The Catalyst tonight to listen to The Wild Rovers in the Atrium. 9pm. No cover.
And I’ve been told I have to try an Irish Car Bomb since they’re 6 bucks tonight and I’ve never had one.
Hope to see you there!

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