17 February 2010 ~ 0 Comments

Converge USA

Today I drive to Tracy for a meeting with the church multiplication team for Converge, the denomination that we are partnering with in our church planting adventure (formerly Baptist General Conference).  This is where things will be officially finalized and kicked into high gear.

Rachel and I have known for a number of years now that God has called us to a ministry of church planting and multiplication.  But we always knew we didn’t want to just go at it alone.  Even in a context where we are simplifying our ideas of what ‘church’ is and using an atypical approach and model to church planting, we recognize that there is great wisdom in 2000 years of church history.  There is great value in being coached by those who have done it before and being connected to those who are in the trenches as well.  So why Converge you may ask.

Over the past year we looked at several organizations and talked with multiple people.  On one hand I give two reasons that I was drawn to Converge…primarily.  One – they major on the majors.  Two – they aren’t tied to one model of church planting (at least not in our district anyway).
But in addition to that, they are a movement with a history and passion for starting and multiplying churches.

Ed Stetzer is the author of several books and a very well known and reputable name when it comes to church planting and leadership.  A few months back he spoke at a Converge event, and this is what he had to say about the denomination:

I have written before that I believe that Converge Worldwide is the leading mid-size church planting denomination in America today. Just a few months ago, I was in California training their church planters. Today, it seemed like most of the attendees at the meeting had planted the churches they pastored. They ooze church planting– and it has changed their denomination for the better.

In denominational life, as in so many areas of life, what you celebrate, you become. Meetings in some denominations are “celebrating” everything BUT church planting. But, by celebrating church planting, the folks at Converge Worldwide have created a momentum that has transformed their movement.

Check out the rest of Ed’s blog post here.
Just one of the many reasons I’m excited about working with the crew at Converge.

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