04 December 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Season Of Simplicity

So, I have now pretty much finished moving my blog over to a new platform.
Goodbye Typepad.
Hello WordPress.
And boy was it a royal pain. Mostly cause of Typepad.
They don’t make it easy to move your pictures over.
But I digress…

I plan to have a slightly busier/more involved theme here at some point in the near future.
But until that unveiling comes, I thought I’d I’d go simple.
Consider it the calm before the storm.
1 column.
Just the content.
Lots of white.
No links.
2 pages-about & archives.
Don’t worry. Y’all will get your link love back soon.

The only problem is, there’s something I’m sorta starting to like already about the simplicity.
Will almost be tempted to leave it that way.
But I won’t.

So just for fun, swing by and get a quick glimpse of the new design at myworshiprevolution.
OK…now it’s time to get back to some more regular blogging…I think.

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