Archive | November, 2009

07 November 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Silent Seasons Of The Soul/Blog

It's been pretty slow going on my blog here for quite some time.I could blame it on the microblogging format of Twitter and Facebook as some others have.And that would actually be fairly accurate. But that's not it.I think we just go through different seasons in our life.And rather than taking a lot of time […]

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06 November 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Goin On A Bear Hunt

My family was gone for a little over a week.Last night they got back home.They pulled into the driveway at 11pm.I walked out to help with the kids.As soon as I walk out I hear Caleb yell, "Daddy, daddy, daddy!!" I walked around to this side of the van, and I kid you not, he […]

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