Archive | October, 2009

12 October 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Counting The Followers

Last week I was reading the most recent issue of Relevant magazine.  In the front is an article by the publisher/founder, Cameron Strang, called Embracing the Real.  In it, he talks about Twitter and Facebook and their cultural effects.  As I was reading, I came across the following lines: But little by little, Twitter is […]

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06 October 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Be A Doorkeeper

Read this poem Samuel Moor Shoemaker this morning. Well worth the read. Bolded the part that stood out to me the most. I Stand By The Door I stand by the door. I neither go to far in, nor stay to far out. The door is the most important door in the world – It […]

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02 October 2009 ~ 2 Comments

I Am Broken

A few nights ago, Rachel and I watched the season premier of House.I love this show.Great writing and the show is always such an amazing study on our human condition. Check out this clip from the premier.The last line of the clip was the most memorable of the episode for me.Seriously, check it out. You […]

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01 October 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Sloppy Wet Kiss Revisited

Awhile back I wrote this post about the song How He Loves Loves Us and David Crowder's change ot the Sloppy Wet Kiss line. Well, I'm a little behind since this came out a couple weeks ago, but I just came across a post from the original song writer, John Mark McMillan about the lyric […]

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