15 May 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Get On Base

I’m teaching this Sunday since Ed and his family get home from Mexico late tomorrow night.
I have a LOT to get done for that today in the midst of a couple meetings as well.

Basehit-1I’ve had the opportunity to work with a few really good communicators.
I listen to great communicators via podcast and conference regularly.
So every time I teach, I feel like I need to hit it out of the park.
I need to teach with the passion of Matt Chandler and the focus of Andy Stanley.
I need to make sure people walk out of there ready to change everything right now!

Let’s not even get started on all the things that are wrong there.
But this morning I read a great article by Wayne Cordeiro from New Hope church in Hawaii. (HT: Ben Arment)

“Developing a sustainable ministry requires concentration and poise. One man said to me, “You have nothing to prove and no one to impress.” I think we all need to post that statement above our study desks.”

“If we try for the fence, we usually pop up or strike out. Go for a
solid, well placed base hit only! And when you have three base hits,
every other one will produce a score … the same score a home run
would put on the board.”

Last summer I played on a softball team, and I often wanted to swing for the fence.  Those balls usually got caught, and you probably won’t be surprised to know none of mine ever made it out of the park.  But when I got on base, I usually scored.

Good reminder for this week.
And oddly enough, it feels like taking that pressure off will make it easier to prepare and more likely to be a great hit after all.
Lookin forward to Sunday.

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